Tower Tech Cooling System

Category: Cooling tower water treatment

The Installation Process Of The FRP Cooling Tower

A cooling tower is a cooling gadget, which makes use of the evaporative cooling of water mechanism and produces cool air in areas that require the dissipation of high amounts of heat, for example – manufacturing industries. The process of operating a cooling tower can be cost-effective if the installation and maintenance are carried well. […]

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How To Deal With Common Problems Of Cooling Towers?

Nowadays, it is necessary to maintain, service, and operate the equipment with proper care. Here, if we talk about the cooling towers, they also need specific treatment to work effectively. If the tower you installed is of good quality, you don’t have to face any damage problems. However, one should find the company that offers […]

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Why Have An Effective Water Treatment Programme For Cooling Towers

What is the cooling tower water treatment programme? Cooling tower water treatment system minimises scaling and fouling in the cooling tower system. It is an essential step of the process to keep cooling systems running fine. The water treatment programme for cooling towers typically involves removal of detrimental impurities from the feed water, circulation water […]

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How To Determine If You Require Cooling Towers For Your Plant?

The proper treatment of your cooling towers is vital in order to avoid costly damage to your cooling tower equipment and keep the production of your industry flowing smoothly. Poor cooling tower management due to improper water treatment, organic growth, scaling, fouling and corrosion reduces the plant productivity and causes plant downtime and eventually comes […]

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Fundamental Water Saving Measures To Take For Cooling Tower Management

The purpose of cooling towers is to dissipate heat from recirculating water used to cool air conditioners which is the reason why these cooling systems use a lot of water. The entire evaporative process results in extreme water loss and raised costs. With the proper management of the recirculated water, the efficiency of the cooling […]

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Factors That Cause Legionella Growth In Cooling Water Systems

What is Legionella? Legionella is bacteria that are found to naturally occur in freshwater sources. They are found in water bodies like rivers and lakes generally in low amounts and therefore do not lead to diseases. Contaminated water building systems or cooling towers are responsible for most Legionnaires’ outbreak. Legionnaires’ disease is a serious and […]

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Essential Features of a Cooling Tower System to Consider

Cooling towers are one special kind of heat exchanger that allows water and air to come in contact while lowering the temperature of the hot water. In short, a cooling tower cools down the water that gets overheated due to the industrial process. Even with so many variations of cooling towers available today the workings […]

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Commonly Asked Questions About Industrial Cooling Towers

The cooling tower is primarily used to maintain a healthy heat level within a facility. It is a heat rejection device that utilizes the power of water to eliminate excess heat from the facility, thus helping maintain a favorable temperature level. Through this specifically engineered technology, the unwanted heat from the facility is transferred into […]

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What Causes Cooling Towers to Fail? – Tower Tech Cooling Towers

Cooling towers remove the heat from industrial buildings, through the cooling of a water stream to a lower temperature and cool it down. This way the excess heat from the industries is discarded which saves the setup from any accidents or damages. It is a must for industries, be it large scale or small scale.  […]

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The Process Of Industrial Cooling Tower Water Treatment

Timely cooling tower water treatment is essential to maintain the system’s performance and long equipment life. Cooling tower water treatment addresses the organic growth, fouling, corrosion, and scaling in the cooling tower, which is essential to prevent low plant productivity, downtime, replacement of costly equipment. Let’s know the basics of the cooling tower water treatment […]

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