Tower Tech Cooling System

Blog , Cooling Tower Apr / 08 / 2020
Written by Jignesh Shah
cooling towers

Cooling towers are heat exchangers that make use of the process of utilization of water and air to move heat from cooling frameworks into the outside climate. They are employed to eliminate heat from the condenser water, to leave a cooling effect. Cooling towers disseminate heat from recycling water used to cool chillers, climate control systems, or other industrial or manufacturing equipment into the surrounding air. Warmth is dismissed to the climate from cooling towers through the course of dissipation. In this way, by configuration, cooling towers utilize the appropriate amount of water.

Water Distribution

High temp water from the cooling tower system is conveyed to the highest point of the cooling tower by the condenser siphon through funnelling. In an open pinnacle, the boiling water is splashed through sprinklers into the heat generated. A few towers feed the sprinklers through compressed channelling; others utilize a water-dispersion bowl and push water into the sprinkler by gravity. In the closed cooling tower system, the water from the condenser circle goes through tubes in the tower and isn’t presented to the external air. Water for cooling the cylinders flows in the tower.

In the open tower, an assortment bowl for the collection of cold water is present at the bottom of the tower, which accumulates cool water after it has gone through the heat transfer medium. The cool water is siphoned back to the condenser to finish the cooling-water circle. In the closed tower, the condenser water cools as it travels through the tubes in the towers and further travels back to the chiller plant.

Operation And Maintenance

Water Temperature

Diminish the temperature of the water leaving the cooling tower, this factor may not appeal to be an effective maintenance strategy, yet, it is. The temperature of the water leaving the cooling tower ought to be cold. This is because chiller manufacturers develop the chiller to sustain water from the condenser. Today’s advanced chillers, as a rule, endure cold temperatures for water getting back from the cooling tower into the chiller system. Check with your chiller manufacturer or the maintenance manual and set the entering condenser-water temperature as low as could be expected.

Introduce a conductivity regulator to naturally control the compressor. Work with a water treatment expert to decide the most extreme patterns of focus on the cooling tower system that can securely accomplish the conductivity. A conductivity regulator can consistently quantify the conductivity of the cooling tower water and release water when the conductivity set point is surpassed.

Cooling towers manufacturers advise the towers to be situated on roofs or other open-air locales. They are installed by support professionals, who specialize in cooling tower system effectiveness. This method is among the best practices for the proficient activity and support of cooling towers.

A Water Reset Methodology

The temperature set in the water leaving the cooling tower ought to be set at 5°F (flexible as per the plan) higher than the encompassing wet-bulb temperature. On the off chance that the Direct Digital Control (DDC) framework has a wet-bulb temperature sensor, this can be attained. In any case, the administrator ought to consider physically changing the set point at times, to maintain the efficiency of the wet bulb and the cooling tower as a whole.

Bypass Valves

It is important to keep the bypass valves before beginning the cooling-tower fans: Make sure the DDC control succession forestalls the cooling tower fans from the initial phase before the cooling-tower sidestep valve is completely put off. If the bypass valve isn’t completely shut, boiling water leaving the chiller leads to short circuits into the water that is getting back to the chiller, adding a pointless burden to the compressor.

Adequate Airflow Is A Pre-requisite

Poor wind stream through the cooling tower decreases the heat exchange process from the water to the air. Low or no wind stream can be a result of garbage piling at the outlets of the tower or in the fill, free fan and engine mountings, poor alignment of fan and motor, damaged blades of the fan, or high vibration of the engine are all responsible for poor wind stream into the cooling tower system. This situation can eventually prompt engine failure.

Select A Water Treatment Professional With Care

The efficiency of water circulating in the tower is of priority. As such, request the vendors to appraise the amounts and expenses used in the treatment as a part of the cooling tower services, such as synthetic compounds, volumes of blowdown water, and the concentration ratio. Remember that a few professionals might be hesitant to further develop water productivity since it implies the office will buy fewer chemical compounds. Viable water treatment wipes out microscopic organisms and bio-film and controls erosion. A standard substance treatment program is suggested for controlling erosion and the birth of harmful microorganisms.

