Tower Tech Cooling System

Blog , Cooling Tower Mar / 09 / 2021
Written by Jignesh Shah
cooling tower

Industrial cooling tower manufacturers in India have gained much-needed traction in the marketplace of cooling towers. Industrial facilities, be it a refrigerating industry, or an air conditioning industry, or an energy-producing industry – all are characterized by the quantity of heat radiated. Heat emission determines the type of cooling towers required for an industrial facility.

Although more or less significant, in quantitative terms, cooling towers work towards precipitating the residual heat. Residual heat does not have high energy, capable of destruction. However, as far as environmental concerns take charge, residual heat should be dissipated. There are several solutions to dissipate the residual heat, however, cooling towers are the most prominent ones.

Cooling Towers – Why Are They Useful?

Cooling towers are known as machines or devices that work by using the natural principle in the most effective state. The machine works by forcing evaporation of a minimum quantity of water when compared to the main mass. It forces the heat to dissipate from the mass itself and therefore cools down. The process of dissipating the heat and cooling down is known as latent heat of evaporation. There is no advanced mechanism followed by the cooling towers. It is as ancient as it began to be.

Cooling towers work by exploiting the principle of latent heat of evaporation. The water heat exchange process forces the minimal water to evaporate. The working of cooling towers is based on sensible and latent heat. On one hand, sensible heat is the energy added or reduced from a physical element to bring a change in the temperature of the element. On the contrary, latent heat is a byproduct of the change of state of a substance. Water changes from liquid to solid phase if introduce to suitable temperatures, by storing it at a freezing point.


Similarly, it can transform itself from a liquid to a gaseous phase. When the water reaches a boiling point, latent heat is introduced or removed to change the state of water that leads to evaporation. Cooling towers are also known as evaporative towers that are capable of providing the water, its much-needed contact surface area to operate.

Cooling towers optimize the latent heat exchange process. The presence of a high-water contact surface in cooling towers makes the exchange of heat possible. Most cooling tower suppliers supply towers that have a fan inside, running at a defined volume, as per set parameters, to let the water evaporate steadily.

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Working Of Cooling Towers

One of the best ways to remove the unwanted heat from industrial areas is to install cooling towers, by employing evaporation of the heat generated. Especially, where there is a need to have a reliable source of cool water.

Cooling towers have multifaceted work roles, one of them being cooling products and machinery in a multitude of applications. For example, tool and die-cutting, chemicals, lasers, semiconductors, injection moulding, and many more.

Industrial cooling tower manufacturers in India mostly provide FRP cooling towers, counterflow cooling towers, and crossflow cooling towers. All of them perform the main function of evaporating the heat generated as a byproduct of industrial processes.

When you suddenly step out of a hot shower, you feel a cold sensation, either from the surrounding air or the fan rolling over your head. While you are inside, taking the hot shower your skin is not exposed to air, but as soon as you step out of the shower, the air in the atmosphere gets pulled by the skin and the skin begins to evaporate the heat, thereby leaving a cooling effect.

Cooling towers use the same principle of evaporating with a continuous flow of water from outside. Rectangular cooling towers seem like large hollow boxes. They are built from PVC plastics to create a large surface area and allow the water to evaporate steadily. The cooling tower fill, precisely, is designed from PVC plastic sheets.

Nuclear power plants have large cooling towers. They largely rely on the natural flow of air through the tower. The natural air act as an ingredient of help only if the cooling towers are extraordinarily large. For small to medium-sized towers, an electric fan motor creates the airflow inside. As such the cooling tower is also called an induced or forced draft cooling tower.

Get in touch for more information about the cooling tower.

