Tower Tech Cooling System

Author: Jignesh Shah

Blog Feb / 14 / 2019

How to find a reliable cooling tower manufacturer?

If you are here to gain some knowledge about the different types of the industrial cooling tower then let’s start from the basic. The first thing that you should learn is what is cooling tower what it is used for. If we put it in simple words then the cooling towers bring out the heat from […]

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Blog Jan / 16 / 2019

The Science Behind Evaporative Cooling Tower and Its Benefits

The evaporative cooling tower is by far the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective among the different types of cooling towers. It features a perfect combination of convenience, style, and functionality, making them popular not only in industrial structures but also in residential buildings.  Learn more about it and its benefits here. Industrial machines and processes […]

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Cooling Tower Dec / 18 / 2018

Top 4 Primary Cooling Tower Maintenance Problems and Their Specific Solutions

The operational efficiency, operating and equipment costs, and reliability of a cooling system are influenced by the cooling tower water treatment and quality. Let us take a look at the 4 primary cooling tower maintenance problems and their specific solutions. Regardless of the brand and quality, equipment and machinery should be handled with much care […]

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Blog Dec / 11 / 2018

Confused Among Cooling Tower Manufacturers? Here is the Way Out!

For an industry knower, the function of a cooling tower is pretty simple. However, let’s talk a bit about these towers so everyone can understand. Well, the cooling tower just like the name works to cool the overall process so the machines can work efficiently. People install these cooling towers as per their needs as different […]

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Blog Nov / 06 / 2018

The Science behind Cooling Tower Water Treatment

Cooling tower or aptly the heat rejection systems are popular among large industrial settings. These systems aid in cooling the over-heated water that is a residue of the industrial processes. But, one should never overlook to treat the water that enters the cooling towers. Be it tower scaling, fouling, or particulates accumulation; everything is liable […]

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Blog Oct / 17 / 2018

When Do You Need A New Cooling Tower Water Treatment System?

Cooling towers while on work almost look like a part of the fantasy world as they create the smoky effect approaching the sky. Well, these beautiful looking heritage-like poles are used in the real world by several big industries. These are mainly used for heat reduction by releasing the excess warmth in the atmosphere. When […]

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Blog Oct / 11 / 2018

Top 5 Advantages That Come Along Cooling Tower Water Treatment Systems?

Cooling towers are a means to cool down the industrially produced over-heated water. The job of a cooling tower is simply to lower down the temperature of the water so that the residual heat can escape through evaporation. But, one should know that as a matter of fact, water, when placed inside any vessel, would […]

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Blog Sep / 28 / 2018

Factors Cooling Tower Exporter Consider in Cooling Systems

Nowadays, every industry around the world seeks for cooling towers to maintain the quality of industrial supplies. Whether it is a chemical industry, steel plant, or an electricity producing plant, a cooling tower is crucial for all. There are a lot of proven benefits of cooling water towers in any industry. One can look around […]

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Blog Aug / 27 / 2018

What Are Cooling Tower Parts? The Complete Guide

Cooling towers are a great invention for a calmer and cleaner atmosphere. In simple words, cooling towers are the heat rejecting devices that are essential for huge heat blowers. The structure incorporates many small and big cooling tower parts for a better outcome. The parts of a cooling tower can easily cool down the temperature of […]

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Blog Aug / 10 / 2018

A Comprehensive Guide to Cooling Tower Water Treatment Systems

A pioneer part of certain industries, a cooling tower helps to ease out things to an extent. All the waste heat in any industrial settings gets vanished away in the atmosphere by cooling it down with the help of a cooling tower. Another essential thing that can’t be left for later involves the treatment of […]

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